Jocelyn or Joy as she is fondly called by her loved ones received her Broadcast Communication Degree from the University of the Philippines-Diliman. She immediately embarked on an apparent promising career in Advertising, but she put her pursuit of a full-time career on hold when she married her husband Mike in 1987. Blessed with two daughters, Mika and Tintin, Joy now finds utmost fulfillment as a devoted wife and doting mother to her daughters. She has put her entrepreneurial skills to good use together with her discerning eye for interior design and construction, but she now focuses on using her experience as a Stage 0 cancer conqueror to help others in their cancer journey. As one of the co-founders of Project Pink Cancer Support Group, she works together with the other core members to bring to fruition Project Pink’s goals and aspirations to help smoothen the ride of others in their battle with cancer.BLANK